Sunday 21 March 2021 cancelled

Due to the current weather forecast all sailing is cancelled today Sunday 21.3.2021

Lets hope we can sail next Sunday which is the last weekend of the season


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Marine Outlet 73rd SLMASC Annual Regatta

The Marine Outlet 73rd SLMASC Annual regatta will be conducted over the weekend of Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of February 2021.

Sponsored by Marine Outlet this regatta promises exciting racing catering for all dinghy classes. Camping (tents only- no generators) is available across the road from the club house for $35 per night payable at Registration. Club bathrooms will be accessible 24hrs.

We hope to see you on the 13th and 14th of February 2021.

Sailing Instructions Available from the club. Attend Briefing prior to racing.

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2020-21 Season Starts This Sunday 13th Sept

Time to blow the cobwebs off and the COVID-19 blues away and get out sailing.

The new season starts on Sunday 13th Sept with

    • 10am Yacht Meeting
    • Canteen open for lunch
    • 2pm Dinghy Racing

As we are unable to hold a presentation, trophies and prizes for last season will be available from this Sunday.

To assist with reducing the handling of cash EFTPOS facilities are available at the club, SLMASC will waive the 2% fee applicable with paypal transactions that SLMASC is charged. Direct deposit is also available which avoids any fees for the club.

We must follow the Covid-19 Safety Plan.

    • You must check in and check out while you are at the club, for contact tracing purposes
    • Social Distancing, good hand hygiene, Hand Sanitizer will be provided around the club
    • Do not attend if you are unwell or have been to a recent hotspot
    • If you use the toilets or showers you must wipe down anything you have touched once finished, ready for the next person. Wipes will be provided.


Get In Sail Get Out

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