Learn To Sail

We are planning to start learn-to-sail classes on Sunday 12 November.

Be at the club by 1000am and anticipate being finished by 1200pm.

Kids need to be 8 years old and able to swim.

The club has a couple of boats suitable for older kids and adults, so come on down and check us out at 1 Sunshine Pde, Sunshine

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/learn-to-sail-2/

Season Start

Greetings Sailors. The new season is upon us with dinghy sailing starting tomorrow
(10 Sept), twilight yachts on Friday 06 October and learn-to-sail on Sunday 12

The yacht markers have all been serviced and are sitting high, the power boats have
been serviced (thanks Garry W), the canteen is stocked and the weather looks good
for tomorrow.

As I’m sure you all know, hosting regattas is the major source of income for our club.
This season we are only running two of them and the first is the OK State
Championships on the 4th and 5th of November and we will need your help to run it.
There will be no club racing on the 5th and any sailors who volunteer to assist that
weekend will receive average points towards their point score tally. Please let me
know as soon as possible if you can help for one or both days so that we can get a
roster going.

See you on the water

Membership  and boat registration forms are available from https://slmasc.org/membership/

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/season-start/

Glamour First Day of 75th Annual Regatta

61 boats enjoyed a beautiful Noreaster for the first day of the Marine Outlet 75th SLMASC Annual Regatta.

Results are available from the event page

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/glamour-first-day-of-75th-annual-regatta/

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