A quick update and reminder as we get ready to kick off the new season. Again, a big thanks to those that helped with the painting of the top half of the club. The bottom half will be painted by a Bunnings team soon – the tentative date is 24 September but it is to be confirmed. It would be good if we could have a few people there on the day and I will let you all know when the day is locked in.
Dinghy racing starts next Sunday (15th). We are a bit light staffed for starters that day. Garry Wilson will be there but if you know anyone who would be able to jump on the course boat with him it would be a help. Learn-to-sail doesn’t usually start until it is a bit warmer in November. Finally a reminder that as no one has offered to take over the canteen duties you will have to bring your own lunch. The usual drinks are available to buy if there is someone to open the shop. If anyone can take on the canteen job, or knows someone that might be interested, I’m sure you will be very popular.
Yacht racing also starts next Sunday with the first race of Series 1. All of the relevant information and SIs are on the website. At the AGM there seemed to be an interest in Sunday sailing so if you would like it to keep going please come and race. Twilight racing starts 11 October.
A date for your diaries is the weekend 16/17 November. We are hosting the Contender state titles and it is our only regatta for the calendar year. As our main source of income, it is important that we have 10 or 12 volunteers to run the racing. I will be asking for volunteers and have more details in October.
Happy Sailing – hopefully there will be more wind than today!!
Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/season-start-2024-25/
Hello members. We need to have a working bee at the club to ensure that next season runs smoothly. It will be on Sunday 21 July starting at 0900. Even if you can only come for a couple of hours it would help. We need to have a thorough clean out downstairs and upstairs.
A sausage sandwich and some beers will be provided for those that come and help. So that we can cater for the right number please email
enquires@slmasc.org to indicate your attendance. Many hands make light work!!
Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/free-beer-and-sausage-sanger-working-bee/
Just a quick reminder, so that we some idea of numbers, could you please let Doug Wilson know ASAP:
Details below:
The committee has decided to have the AGM and Presentation on the same day. Make sure you mark 01 June in your calendars. The AGM will start at 1700 with a quick general meeting straight afterwards and the presentation will kick off at 1800.
Rathmines Butchers is doing the catering after they did such a good job last year and we will aim to eat around 1845. Presentations will follow dinner. The cost this year is $30 per head for members and their partners and $35 per head for non-members and their partners. The bar will be open from 1700.
Can you please pay by direct transfer to: BSB 637 000 ACCT 781 205 265. Please write your name and “preso” as the reference to make life easier for Doug. Can you also email
treasurer@slmasc.org confirming your attendance and payment.
Importantly, at the AGM a couple of positions will become vacant. The club will need a new president and a new treasurer. A big thank you to Alan and Doug for their efforts over the season. We will also need someone to look after the learn-to-sail classes on Sunday mornings if we are to try and attract more new sailors. Other areas that will need some helpers are looking after the canteen and the liquor licence. Please consider doing your bit to help ensure the survival of the club as it has been a fairly small group of people running the show for a lot of years now.
The notice of the AGM and the position nomination form can be accessed by clicking/tapping
Hope to see you all on June first!
Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/reminder-2024-agm-and-presentation-1st-june-3/
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