Around the club this weekend…

After the very successful 2017 Trinity Point NSW Youth Championships is time to get into the swing of the rest of the season but not before we congratulate all evolved. Most importantly was the Young Team SLMASC sailors that competed hard to come away with some great results all the sailors should be proud of there efforts. The other stand out was the great turn out of the 100+ volunteers, “ The Red Army” that turned up to help out from the BBQ, to Canteen to Launching to in the Race office. We would also like to thank all of our wonderful sponsors as this simply could not have happened with out them


This weekend we have Dinghy sailing with racing starting from 2pm and our first Learn to Sail classes for the season starting from 10am. We also kick off the Friday Twilight racing, view handicaps below:



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View Results for day 2.


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An exciting day one of the 2017 Trinity Point NSW Youth Champs

A great day to day on the water with some tricky conditions.

View results for day one here:



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