Attention all “Twilight Yachties”

Attention all yachts sailors, due to sunset being so early for the last two twilight races, ALL HANDICAPS HAVE BEEN INCREASED BY 15 MINUTES.

Make sure you check your handicap before this weeks race.

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SLMASC Twilight Race#22 – Perfect

IMG_2312Team SLMASC put on a great night of Twilight Sailing for Race#22 of the Series.

Results for Div#1                                   Results for Div#2

1st: Obsession                                      1st: Longshot

2nd: Not So Squeezy                            2nd: Tonic

3rd: Sorcerer                                         3rd: La Sauterelle


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Training and Racing IN AN OPTI

What a great Sunday 21-2 @ SLMASC, we had 16 Optis racing (2 visitors from Sydney). Four great races were had with lots of close finishes and everyone mixing it up and showing moments of GREATNESS,,, keep it up kids. The enthusiasm kept coming and some Fun sailing in the Flying Ant was had by a few keen sailors wanting to look for there possible next boats AFTER Optis…

Another great after School Tuesday 23-2 session was had this week in a 15-20kt Nor Easter…  Kids did great and some proud coaching as all kids worked hard on the water for every inch of each race. Top speeds would of been around 9kts..👍👍👍

Great stuff SLMASC Kids.  Coach Adam


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