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Jan 31
World Class Coaching Available at the Laser Masters
Learn from the best, places available on the H2O Team, book now!
World # 1, Tom Burton and world-class Laser sailor, Ash Brunning will be coaching the H2O Team at the NSW Laser Master’s Championship 7-8 February at SLMASC on Lake Macquarie.
Just $200 for input from the worlds best!
To book, email:
Saturday 7 February:
9:30-10:30 – Regatta Registration
10:30-11:30 – H2O Team Briefing including weather, strategy and tactical advise, land based demonstrations of; sail set, hiking technique and mainsheet management + any other requests
11:30 – Regatta Briefing followed by H2O briefing on pre-start routines then lunch
12:30 – Launch together as a group and practise pre-start routine
13:30 – first warning signal
Coaches will capture video to aid the de-brief which will happen promptly after racing
Sunday 8 February:
9:30 – H2O Briefing including strategy based on the expected weather conditions and patterns, coaches can answer any questions the sailors thought of in the night
10:30 – Launch as a group, pre-start routine
11:30 – first warning signal
De-brief: ASAP after racing
To book, email:
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Jan 30
SLMASC Australia Day Weekend Cruise
On Sunday 25th January, seven South Lake Macquarie yachts set sail for ‘a 3 hour cruise’ (Gilligan’s Island style) and found themselves washed up (anchored and rafted up) after a very light weather sail at Styles Point. It was sunny and hot, relieved only by the light easterly. John and Mitch brought the BBQ in the new club committee boat and this was set up in the shade just ashore of the jetty where the ‘survivors’ gathered for some well earned refreshments and dinner. Towards evening some boats made a break for home, leaving the diehards to return to their anchored boats just as the forecast southerly change came in. Styles Point is sheltered from all directions and there were no problems encountered over night. Monday morning (Australia Day) was damp and with no sign of the weather breaking the final four yachts sailed together back to their moorings in a moderate south easterly. The day and night was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and provided a great opportunity for yacht sailors and their families to socialise in a relaxed setting, with plenty of bottles of red helping to embellish the stories told …. What better way to celebrate Australia Day!
This is the first such cruise to be formally organised by the club for many years and following its’ obvious success it was agreed that further such cruises would be organised on the lake, and there was also discussion of a few boats wanting to undertake a cruise in company to Broughton Island / Port Stephens. While this would not be a club organised cruise (as offshore events are not covered by our club licenses or insurance policies), three boats from the club are keen to cruise northwards together and if more would like to join them they would be most welcome to do so. John Mason is coordinating this ‘expedition’ and it is suggested that it could take place over the Easter long weekend in April if the forecast winds and seas are favourable. If the weather is doubtful then the fleet could potentially spend the weekend exploring unchartered waters around the Lake.
While not a club event, boats participating in such offshore cruising obviously need to adhere to all Maritime requirements, and we would also strongly recommended compliance with the Category 4 offshore safety equipment requirements (see YA Special Regulations in your Blue Book) as well as coordination of a radio reporting schedule between the cruising yachts themselves and also with formal monitoring by NSW Maritime. If you are interested and would like further details please contact John Mason (Cristina). Regardless of whether you venture off shore to explore the magnificent nearby coastline or prefer to cruise a little closer to home on our own water wonderland, as always we wish you Smooth Sailing in great company!
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