Yacht Point Scores decided in the dark ….

The yacht twilight series has been run and won for another year, with many positions in the final race deciding the outcome in both divisions.

Despite light breezes and fading light (in fact total darkness), most of the fleet made it home last Friday on a perfect evening, with the free BBQ at the club afterwards proving to be real hit with a great roll up and a good night had by all.

A vert big THANK YOU from all crews to all of the volunteers who have opened the club each week for spectators and started and finished the races this year (we don’t know how you managed in the dark last week?) …. without your dedication and support the series simply would not be possible. A job well done (again).

As we all know, every boat that gets on the water on a Friday night is a winner, but to those who fought it out for the pointscores and filled the top placings, congratulations and well done. The handicappers are after you for next season!

Provisional results are as follows:


Division one overall twilight Pointscore

1st Whitewash 161 points

2nd Hectic 157 points

3rd Breezin 155 points


Division two overall twilight Pointscore

1 www.chaos 161 points

2 Bundy 158 points

3 My Cole 149 points


Division one Autumn twilight Pointscore

1 Whitewash 55 points

2 Lakes 11 51 points

3 Hectic 48 points


Division one Autumn twilight Pointscore

1 www.chaos 55 points

2 Crackers 53 points

3 Condor Vee 49 points


Just a reminder that the Yacht Presentation dinner is on Saturday May 26th, starting from 1815 (or 6.15pm for land lubbers).  It’s always a good night so be sure to book early to guarantee a berth.  Invitations will be emailed to everyone soon.

The winter series starts the week AFTER Easter, so let’s hope the late summer extends for another month or so and we can get a good fleet on the water for this series.

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/yacht-point-scores-go-down-to-the-wire/

Yacht Pointscores come down to the wire ….

Progressive Yacht pointscores with just onw race to go in the Autumn series have noq been posted on the Yacht Documents page (at the bottom).

Positions are very tight at the top of the tables for all Divisions so the pressure will be on in the last races of the series this Friday and Sunday.

Good luck to all ….. may the best boats and crews win.

Remember that there is a Free BBQ at the club after this Friday’s twilight race (please e-mail the club if you are attending to advise numbers for your boat for catering purposes), and a Club General Meeting will be held on Sunday at 5pm followed by a BYO BBQ.

We hope to see you at each of these club events.

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/yacht-pointscores-come-down-to-the-wire/

SLMASC BBQ’s & Club General Meeting This Friday & Sunday

Yachties FREE BBQ at club after twilight racing this Friday….

Club General Meeting and BYO BBQ this Sunday afternoon ….

Yachties FREE BBQ this Friday ….

Sadly this Friday is the final twilight yacht race for the season, so to end what has been another great series on a high, a FREE sausage sizzle for all yachties will be held at the club after the race. The club bar will be open so there is no need to bring supplies ….. just head around to the club when you get off the water for an enjoyable social evening. Rhumour has it that a notable member will be marking a significant milestone too …. so come along and join in the celebrations! The forecast is looking great so let’s aim for our biggest fleet of the season to finish the twilight series in style.

To assist with BBQ catering could a representative of each boat please email the club ( slmasc@hotmail.com ) by Thursday 4pm with their boat name and expected number of crew attending the BBQ. (If you don’t let us know …. we can’t cater for you 🙂

Club General Meeting and BYO BBQ this Sunday afternoon ….

The 2011-12 dinghy sailing season also wraps up this coming Sunday, and a general club meeting (for ALL club members ….. yachts and dinghies) will be held after racing on Sunday afternoon, aiming to start at 5pm (depending on yacht and dinghy race finish times). A BBQ …. BYO food / bar open …. will then be held after the general meeting and all are welcome to use the club bbq and stay on for dinner after the meeting. Attendance at this general meeting is strongly encouraged as the format of the 2012-13 season and a draft program will be discussed, along with other sailing and general club business. If you have any suggestions to help improve the way your club operates, please come along and provide your input and ideas.

We hope to see you on the water and at the BBQ’s this Friday and Sunday, and most importantly at the club general meeting at 5pm this Sunday.

Smooth Sailing.

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/slmasc-bbqs-club-general-meeting-this-friday-sunday/

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