And the show goes on …. and on ….

Two more races today in the Americas Cup final and two more wins to Oracle Team ‘Not-USA’ as they continue to claw their way back into the final. The race tally stands at TNZ 8 to Oracle 7 …. but after the 2 race penalty for Oracle they are on 5 points.

While Team NZ just need 1 more win to wrap up the cup, Oracle still need another 4 straight wins for an unlikely victory, but with the momentum currently with Oracle anything is possible.

The real winners as the battle continues are all us sailing fans around the workd as the greatest sailing show on earth goes on for yet another day …. it doesn’t get any better than this.

Tomorrow is another day however, and Adam Beashel and Team NZ are still in the box seat to make sailing history. You can send them your message of support by emailing Adam at

Smooth Sailing


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