Club Loses One Of Its Greatest

It is with great sadness that we note  the passing of Jamie Roberts, one of the greatest sailors our club has produced.

The son of foundation member Peter and Mavis Roberts, Jamie was in attendance at our club virtually from birth and progressed through the ranks from learning to sail in his Sabot to crewing on a NS14 and then skippering his own NS14 with great distinction. Jamie was able to achieve what no other South Lakes sailor had done before when he became the first member of our club to win a National Championship. Many more titles followed for Jamie in various classes but it was that first title that started an avalanche of achievement for our club.

As much as Jamie brought great credit to our club in sailing it was his personal qualities that we who knew him well will remember most. Quietly spoken but a more loyal club member would be hard to find.

Our hearts go out to his wife Sarah and four young children. To his mother Mavis, still an attendee at our club and sister Lyn – our thoughts are with you all.

Too young.
Too good.
But now at rest.

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