Don’t miss the ‘Little America’s Cup’ this Saturday ….

The waters of San Francisco may be at boiling point this week, but the heat will be on in Sunshine bay too this Saturday with the start of our own ‘Little Americas Cup’ series.

Just a reminder that the first of the joint SLMASC / MPASC double header yacht race days will be held this SATURDAY at SLMASC. This will see 2 back to back short races using the course and the club yellow inflatable marks as outlined in Appendix A of the SLMASC Sailing Instructions (so make sure you have the latest SLMACS SI’s with you, and even more importantly, make sure that you have read them ;-). The first race is designed to be about half the length of the second race to minimise the delay between races while all boats finish.

Note that both of these races are Water Based Scratch starts, with the warning signal for the first race to be given at approximately 1410 hours (for a 1415 hours start). All yachts will start at the same time as one division using the SLMASC club flag (blue and yellow) as the division flag and the second race will follow shortly after the finish of the last boat in race 1. The postponement flag will be flown briefly between the races and will then be removed (with a sound signal) to draw attention to the imminent Warning signal for the second race which will follow 1 minute after the postponement flag is removed.

TCF’s for SLMASC yachts have been posted on the Yacht page of the cliub website, and results will be calculated back at the club straight after the conclusion of race 2. All crews are welcome to come back to the club straight after racing for a drink and to review the results of both races before they are published online.

As more boats are getting cleaned up and back in the water ready for action, we hope to see a good roll up for this new format of racing at SLMASC which is guaranteed to get the pulse racing …… so chase up your crew and join in our own ‘Little Americas Cup’ on Sunshine Bay this coming SATURDAY.


If you have any questions about Saturdays’ racing you can email …. but please don’t leave it until the day of the race to email if you need a reply before the race. The club start boat will also be contactable by radio before, during, and after the race on the day.

We may yet still need 1 more volunteer to assist with running this Saturday’s race, so if you aren’t sailing, you have a boat licence (not absolutely essential), and you wish to assist and learn how to conduct yacht races, please email us ASAP at   or you can call 0438 724599.

Bring it on …. it should be a great day so we hope to see you there!

Smooth Sailing


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