Game On ….. how good is this!

Race 16 of the Americas Cup final has just finished with Oracle ‘Team Not USA’ continuing to climb the mountain and claw their way back into the series with their 5th straight win (also 7 of the last 9 race wins). While the race wins now stands at an amazing 8 all, once Oracle’s 2 point penalty is deducted they now trail Team NZ in the first to 9 series by just 2 points and need 3 more wins compared to Team NZ’s 1 win to take the cup. The odds are still with TNZ but the momentum seems to be with Oracle, so it’s going to be a dream finish to the 34th Americas Cup.

Race 17 which was also scheduled for today has been postponed due to the daily time limit for racing after a delayed start to Race 16, and with stronger winds forecast for tomorrow (not too strong we hope), 2 more races are scheduled.

While we all want the show to go on (with an ultimate Team NZ/Adam Beashel victory of course), spare a thought for the tension and pressure on the crews as the series goes right down to the wire. The drama and suspense is incredible, with any small mistake or tactical advantage possibly being the difference in the series.

You can send SLMASC’s Adam Beashel and Team NZ your message of support and help bring them home to victory by emailing directly to

Don’t miss any of the amazing action tomorrow morning from 6am live on Foxtel and You Tube. It’s definitely worth getting up early for each day.

Smooth Sailing Adam and TNZ ….. you can do it.



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