Game, Set and Match …. Oracle Team Not USA!

In a sailing spectical not seen since Australia II’s victory in 1983, Oracle ‘Team Not USA’ has just completed the greatest comeback in sailing, and possibly sporting history, to win the final race and take the 34th America’s Cup.

Team NZ took the fight to Oracle with a small lead at the first 2 marks, but again Oracles newly found upwind speed was the deciding factor and allowed Oracle to take the lead and control of the rest of the race. Oracle went on to win comfortably and take a 9 to 8 point win in the final of the 34th Americas Cup.

The turn around in this regatta has been nothing short of stunning, and no doubt there will be plenty of analysis after the event as the reasons for this. Perhaps it was best summed up by Jimmy Spitall after the race when he said “on your own your nothing, but with a team like this around you, you can look great” … it really was a great team effort. Credit has to go to Oracle (including all the Aussies aboard …. no Americans?) who came back from the brink, but spare a thought for the massive dissapointment that is being felt by Adam Beashel, Team NZ, and Kiwi’s everywhere. They should be very proud of their acheivements however, especially given that they had races called off when they were clearly in the lead earlier in the series … how different things could have been but for the ‘IF’s’ of sailing. So near yet so far.

Well done Adam …. an awesome effort.

As we said in an email to Adam at the start of the series, he and Team NZ were already winners and Team SLMASC is very proud of your acheivements.

Enjoy the after party regardless. You deserve it as a series like that was only possible with 2 awesome competitors. We look forward to seeing you fit some foils to your yacht for Friday twilights when you come home 😉

Smooth Sailing and have a safe trip back.


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