Position Vacant …. apply within

Do you like sailing and are you good with Hooters?

The club is looking for someone (or perhaps several people) who may be interested in taking on or perhaps sharing the roll of Race Officer (Starter/Finisher) for Friday twilight racing this season.

If you know of someone who may be suited to the roll and interested, then please email racing@slmasc.org or call 0438 724599 to discuss.

Training can be provided and if you can’t be on the water racing, then this roll allows you to be actively involved in the sailing action while having the best view of the lake from up in the judges box on top of the club.

Inexperience need not be a concern as training and assistance with course selection can be provided where needed.We can also arrange for full Yachting Australia Race Officer Training to be provided (1 day course).

If we are unable to fill the position then a yacht duty roster will be implemented over the coming weeks to allocate Race Officer duties to individual SLMASC yachts who will be expected to perform these duties on average once during the season.

We thank Chris Cook for her dedication to the roll over many years and hope that she is still able to assist throughout the season when her work schedule permits.

Smooth Sailing


Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/position-vacant-apply-within/