Reminder: Dinghy and Learn to Sail Presentation

Just reminder that the SLMASC Dinghy and Learn to Sail Annual Presentation will be held at the club this coming Saturday evening, 10th May, from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.

The night is FREE and is open to all Dinghy and Learn To Sail members and their families, and we encourage EVERYONE who sailed at SLMASC over the past season to attend. We particularly would like to see all Learn to Sail participants come along to receive their awards and well deserved recognition for their fantastic progress during over the season.

The award presentations will be followed by a light supper (so don’t have a big dinner before hand 😉 and the night should wrap up around 9.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you at the club this Saturday from 7.00pm for a great social night to recognise the acheivements of all of our sailors and to start the count down for the season ahead.
Smooth Sailing

PS: Please check with your sailing buddies to make sure they have remembered the presentation and will be attending too.

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