Sailing Instructions for Yacht Interclub Now Available

Sailing Instructions for the SLMASC-MPASC Yacht Interclub Race 1, which is to be held at MPASC this SATURDAY 4th Feb 2012, have now been posted on the Documents (Yachts) Page of our club website ( They are also available from the MPASC website (

A list of Boats and their alloted Divisions has also been posted. Note that division 2 is NON-Spinnaker. Divisions 1 and 1A both allow Spinnakers.

Courses for all divisions are included in the Sailing Instructions. Please study these carefully, especially the mark locations which have changed from last year.

We hope to see Team SLMASC turn up in numbers on Saturday to help retain the Interclub trophy for another year, and remember that in addition to the great teams racing, the enjoyment continues ashore after the race. A BBQ and presentation will be held at MPASC shortly after racing with a shuttle boat and moorings for SLMASC boats to raft up on available to accomodate us.

Make the effort and join in the fun and action this Saturday 4th Feb 2012 at MPASC ….. C’mon, your Team needs YOU!

Team SLMASC (Wooo Hooo)

PS: Don’t forget your club burgee


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