SLMASC Annual General Meeting – Sunday 10th August

The SLMASC Annual General Meeting will be held at the club on Sunday 10th August 2014 commencing at 2pm.

All members are strongly encouraged to attend to help chart the course for the 2014-15 season and to put forward ideas for ongoing improvements. All Executive, Committee and Club Official positions will be open for election and nomination forms are attached to the current club Newseltter (being disctributed now) with a copy to be posted on the website shortly. The club relies entirely on volunteers to operate from week to week, so even if you can only spare a couple of hours a month there’s a job to suit you and it’s is a great way to get involved and help to continue to take the club forward.

The count down to the new season begins with the AGM so we look forward to seeing you at the club on Sunday 10th August 2014 at 2.00pm.

Smooth Sailing


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