Team SLMASC’s Night Before Christmas ….



‘Twas seconds to the start, and all down the line,
Many boats were over, except, of course, mine.
Other skippers were cursing, and sounding most surly
With much screaming at bows: “We’re OVER EARLY!”

But we’re off, fast and clean, as we charged up the course.
Tacking on headers, without the slightest remorse.
And we made it look easy, as we stayed with each lift,
Our opponents behind us, this race is a gift!

The crew got quite giddy, as we charged further ahead,
With grand visions of glassware dancing in our heads,
And we shouted with glee as we crossed in first place,
Then I woke up and realised, I’d dreamt the whole the race!’











Here’s hoping your dreams come true for a happy, healthy and successful year ahead.

From all at Team SLMASC we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and enjoyable New Year.

Smooth Sailing throughout 2015.











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