We’re Off and Racing …..

Last Sunday saw the official start of the 2011-12 season and what a great day it turned out to be. There was a good rollup for Learn to Sail classes, Dinghy and Yacht racing, encouraged no doubt by the pleasant change in the weather on Sunday morning. Light but shifty breezes ensured everyone could ease there way back into the swing of things (except for the course setters!), but also made for some great close racing through out each of the fleets.

The weather forecast for all of this week is simply stunning right through until early next week, so if you missed getting out on the water last week, start making your plans for this weekend. Summer is knocking on the door, so get organised and make the most of it.

Lifes to short to miss a week of sailing!

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/were-off-and-racing/