YACHT Interclub – Race 1 – Sat 15-11 @ SLMASC

Attention all Yachts:

Race#1 of the INTER-CLUB Series between SLMASC and Mannering Park is this Saturday 15th Nov @ SLMASC. SI’s and Divisions are on the Yacht’s page of the website. If a members boat is not listed they can contact racing@slmasc.org for their division start time.

Note: Members are to be reminded that they will be racing as per Interclub series SCRATCH START procedure and can sail WITH or WITHOUT spinnakers. Your division start time only represents your TCF and the staggered starting times will be re-adjusted when calculating boat times to determine your final finishing position.

Looking forward to seeing as many boats as possible out on Saturday.

Smooth Sailing


Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/yacht-interclub-race-1-sat-15-11-slmasc/