Yacht Pointscores come down to the wire ….

Progressive Yacht pointscores with just onw race to go in the Autumn series have noq been posted on the Yacht Documents page (at the bottom).

Positions are very tight at the top of the tables for all Divisions so the pressure will be on in the last races of the series this Friday and Sunday.

Good luck to all ….. may the best boats and crews win.

Remember that there is a Free BBQ at the club after this Friday’s twilight race (please e-mail the club if you are attending to advise numbers for your boat for catering purposes), and a Club General Meeting will be held on Sunday at 5pm followed by a BYO BBQ.

We hope to see you at each of these club events.

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/yacht-pointscores-come-down-to-the-wire/