Zhik ….. Set For Lift-Off !

It’s on again …. the Zhik Single Hander Regatta comes to SLMASC this weekend, and the competition for placings in the ‘Zhik Top Ten’ is going to be HOT!

Racing starts on Saturday at 2pm, with 2 races scheduled back to back in multiple divisions on a trapizoidal course. Sunday sees another 2 races scheduled back to back from 12.30pm, with the presentation to the Zhik Top Ten and overall winner being held in the club after racing.

The high performance foiling moths will buzz the fleet completing 3 laps, with most other classes completing 2 laps. All classes compete on a ‘yardstick’ basis for the overall honours in the Zhik Top Ten, so anyone can win on the day.

Zhik are again the major sponsor, having donated several thousand dollars worth of prizes to bring the top sailors together for this classic annual shoot out. (Rumour has it …. not that we like to spread them …. that a few of the worlds top dinghy sailors may be entering this year. Names that we guarantee you will know 😉 ….. and you’ll kick yourself if you miss seeing them in action over the weekend!)

It’s going to be spectacular with great sailing conditions forecast, so if you can’t be on the water yourself (entries are still open until Saturday midday), make sure to visit the club to view the action and enjoy the event.

If you can spare a couple of hours, we are also looking for volunteers to assist with tasks on or off water, so let us know ( slmasc@hotmail.com ) if you can help out and we promise you’ll have a great time while doing it!

Hope to see you at the Zhik 2011 …..

PS …. to all Yacht Skippers sailing on Sunday. For Safety and fair competion, the Race committe reminds all yacht skippers of the requirement in the yacht sailing instructions to remain clear of the start/finish line of another division (including dinghy events and the Zhik regatta). Failure to observe this requirement may result in the yacht being scored DSQ. The Race committe will endeavour to set the regatta start/finish line in the middle of the bay, however depending on the wind direction it may be impossible to totally avoid some overlap with all yacht courses. To help ensure the success of this major event hosted SLMASC, your cooperation is both appreciated and expected. Smooth Sailing ….

Permanent link to this article: https://slmasc.org/zhik-set-for-lift-off/